7 Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

7 Health Benefits of Massage Therapy


Lily Johnson

Massage therapy is a wonderful way to relax. When you\’re getting a deep massage, it\’s so easy to let the worries of the day just slip away. Beyond simple relaxation, however, there are also many health benefits to getting regular massage. Here are just a few to consider.

1. It reduces anxiety. A tense body and a tense mind tend to go hand in hand. Relax one, and the other goes along with it. Anxiety can cause a plethora of other health problems if let untreated, so a regular massage treatment is an excellent idea in maintaining mental health. Before anxiety builds up to an unmanageable level, much of it can be released through massage.

2. It reduces back pain. Several studies have shown that massage can be very useful in treating back pain. Much of that back pain comes from simple back tension, which is not only uncomfortable in itself but also may cause you to hold yourself in an unnatural way, attempting to ease the tension but accidentally contributing further to it. Reduce that tension with massage, and the back can relax and function the way it was meant to.


3. It improves circulation. The pressure of the masseuse\’s fingers on your body focuses on moving blood through congested areas, as well as flushing lactic acid from the muscles to help improve circulation overall. Improved circulation helps to relieve fatigue and coldness.

4. It is helpful for expectant mothers. Prenatal massage has been shown to be associated with shorter, easier labors, as well as better health in the newborn. The recommended form of prenatal massage is the Swedish massage because of its focus on improved circulation. Circulation can be a concern during a pregnancy, as hormones and physical space have both shifted, and a Swedish massage can do a lot to alleviate the discomfort.

5. Improve joint flexibility. Massage therapy is excellent for those who suffer from arthritis or other issues with stiffness or pain in joints, increasing range of motion gently and comfortably. Massaging of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints can also help to stimulate the body\’s production of natural lubricants, easing joint paint overall.

6. It can ease pain for those suffering from chronic pain, especially fibromyalgia (often abbreviated FM). There are special types of massage used for dealing with FM, and they have been found to be very advantageous, often more than typical painkillers. In addition with addressing the physical aspect of chronic pain, a massage\’s psychological and emotional component also helps to alleviate the depression or anxiety felt by many of those diagnosed with a chronic pain disorder.

7. It can reduce migraines. This is due in part to the fact that some migraines are stress-induced, and, as stated before, massage therapy helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Non-stress-induced migraines can also be helped by massage, however. Massage relieves physical tension in the neck, jaw and back, all of which contribute to migraine pain. Relieve the tension, and the pain lessens or goes away entirely.

This post is brought to you by Lily Johnson, an avid blogger for the general masses specializing in health and wellness topics. Working in front of her computer can be a tiring for the body, she recommends Activa Clinics for

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