X Ray Aprons A New Way To Protect Against Radiation

More Detail Here: Dentist Chatswood By Stephen Lamb
X-ray aprons are an important part of any doctor’s wardrobe. Doctor’s that perform surgeries are constantly surrounded by large amounts of radiation. Surgeons rely heavily on the images that x-rays allow them to see. However, taking these x-rays can be extremely harmful to the physician’s health. The patients do not have to be nearly as Read More…

Heart Disease: Premature Cardiovascular Disease

More Detail Here: Double Bay Dental Treatment By Hector Milla
Last researchers pointing that women who suffer during pregnancy certain complications could be more likely to develop a special kind of premature cardiovascular disease, according to these studies published, mothers with maternal placental syndrome have double risk of developing cardiovascular disease in a early state, and if Read More…

The Little Known Problem With Low Fat Diets

More Detail Here: North Bondi Dentist By Mike Warner
It is absolutely impossible to escape the hysteria going on in the supermarket aisles around the country today. The low fat craze is everywhere. Think of a food, and there is sure to be a low fat version of it. Some of them seem absolutely unbelievable to any fair minded person. I mean think about it. Low fat ice cream! Do you believe iRead More…