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Submitted by: Melanie Spark
Stainless steel has long been used for different purposes. It is a metal that is preferred by various industries because it is very durable, affordable and the maintenance for it is easy. If you look around you, you will see different things that are made of stainless steel. That includes kitchen appliances, furnitures, specific parts in vehicles and even jewelry.
Yes, stainless steel jewelry is widely accepted and loved by a lot of people these days. Gone are the days when only silver and gold are the preferred material for jewelries. Stainless steel jewelries are more affordable and can also last for a long time.
If you are not yet convinced why stainless steel jewelries are great, here are some of the top reasons why other people simply adore it.
Advantages of Stainless Steel Jewelries
1. Tarnishing is not a problem: Believe it or not, stainless steel will not tarnish. Silver has the tendency to lose its luster and even tarnish completely. This is because of oxidation. Yes, it can be cleaned using particular chemicals but it would be better if you would not need to do any polishing, right? With stainless steel jewelries, you do not have to worry about oxidation. That is the reason why it does not tarnish like silver.
2. You would not suffer from allergies: If you have been depriving yourself from wearing metal jewelries because you are allergic to it, stainless steel will solve your problem. Nickel is the culprit why other metals like gold and silver cause itchiness and rashes. Nickel makes the other metals harder so that it can be formed and molded. Stainless steel does not need nickel anymore because it is already hard enough on its own. That is the reason why it would not trigger allergic reactions.
3. Stainless steel jewelry is a practical choice: Stainless steel jewelries do not have sheen. This may be a negative thing for other people but for those who are more practical, this is a good thing. Wearing stainless steel jewelry can make you look fabulous without being too flashy. So, you can wear it on an ordinary day without worrying that it might cause unwanted incidents. You can even wear it on formal gatherings and not look ostentatious. Besides, these days, the value of the jewelry you are wearing is no longer a big deal. What matters more is how beautiful it would look when mixed and matched properly.
Maintenance for Stainless Steel Jewelry
When you have stainless steel jewelry, you also have to know how to maintain it well. Yes, it is a durable metal but if you are unable to care for it properly, it might not last as long as it should.
Since it does not tarnish, cleaning it everyday would not be necessary. Your only concern is the dirt that may get stuck in between the lines and creases, depending on the design of your jewelry. Warm water and a soft clean cloth can already do the job.
You can also buy the stainless steel jewelry cleaning set from stores. This includes a liquid chemical and a cleaning cloth. Some can only be sprayed on the jewelry and that will already do the job. Others require dipping or soaking of the jewelry into the solution.
About the Author: For more information on
Stainless Steel Jewelry
Stainless Steel Rings
, visit Titanium Steel Jewelry at http://www.titaniumsteeljewelry.com
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