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Usage Of Teeth Whitening Kits
Andrew d
The concept of whitening teeth through teeth whitening kits is nothing new. There are many teeth whiteners available in the market for effective teeth whitening. You will find such kits or teeth whiteners in almost all supermarkets as well as online. Teeth whiteners are obtainable in different forms which may include toothpaste, teeth gels and lots more. In this article, we will discuss about the usage of teeth whitening gels. To use teeth gels, you must pursue some easy to follow steps.
Teeth gels usually don t work without teeth whitening trays, also called as mouth trays. For the best results one must use mouth tray along with teeth gels.
A well-fitted mouth tray is so effective in order to get the expected result. You can buy a pair of mouth trays from a dentist s office. You can also buy over-the-counter plastic trays, which should be boiled to give proper shape; so that they fit in your mouth perfectly. Although, it will be better if you purchase your pair of mouth trays from a dentist, yet you can make use of the second option also. After all, your ultimate goal is to achieve a beautiful pair of pearly white teeth by bleaching it directly. If the tray perfectly fits in your mouth, the gel is more likely to come in direct contact of the surface of your teeth and so bleaches your teeth to make it brighter and whiter. According to most teeth whitening reviews, teeth gels while used with a pair of perfectly fitted mouth tray gives the most desired result in minimum time.
Teeth whitening gels are available in the market and online. Dentists also sell such gels, but they are more likely to sell the gels to the customers, who have bought mouth trays from them. Whether from the market or dentist or online store, it is the best to buy the gels from where you have purchased the trays. In the market, you will find syringes, but you should be very careful about using these instruments. They need proper homework to give good result. Remember, you should always opt for the best teeth whitening kit for the best outcome.
While buying a teeth whitening gel, be watchful about the percentage of bleach it contains. The percentage is generally printed on the pack. The standard is 16%. There are some gels that contain 10% or even lower percentage of bleaching agent. Such gels are not going to work well; in terms of bleaching the teeth. Gels with lower percentage of bleaching agent take more time than that of gels with higher percentage of bleach. However, don t buy a gel with 20% bleaching agent in it.
Make sure the trays perfectly fit in your mouth and don t extend onto your gum. If the bleach comes in contact with the gums, it may cause irritation or harm the gums temporarily. Pour the gel into the trays and wear them. Mouth trays containing teeth gels can be worn throughout the night for optimal result.
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